How to use eLearning courses for employee onboarding

When it comes to eLearning and online courses, there is an old adage: only after having done the apprenticeship, and tried something in the field, it is possible to understand how it works and therefore go and manage it in the best way

The great thing about eLearning is exactly this: since most employees initially found themselves having to take courses, it is much easier to have “firsthand” experience of what works and what doesn’t. It points out that the best eLearning courses have two elements in common: efficiency and empathy eLearning Solutions for Onboarding New Employees.

In short, employers want effective and lean training programs that quickly bring new hires to productivity. Likewise, people taking the course – usually a new hire who has a distinct feeling of being overwhelmed by information – are looking for reassurance , support, and empathy.

employee onboarding

The onboarding process must be enjoyable and valuable!

How can these two goals be achieved? We could say that it is enough to put on the shoes of new employees, that is, to identify with them. But it would not be exactly correct: the creation of training contents with a high productive value is difficult and takes time.

It’s a harsh reality: if employees feel bored or overwhelmed by the course content, they won’t be able to focus their attention, they’ll complete the training as quickly as possible, and the result will be poor retention of learned skills. This can be particularly detrimental to compliance training , which if inadequate can undermine the company’s growth.

This series uses real-world scenarios to help people build empathy with customers, which is only possible if the employer has a clear and honest understanding of the daily challenges their employees face.

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